THOSE ABOUT TO DIE - Circus Maximus Underbelly

This task was assigned to me and completed over various stages of work. Most of the scenes are quick sketches, primarily studies that evolved through continuous and organic collaboration with the Art Dept. team. The "underbelly" refers to the architectural space surrounding the Circus Maximus, which houses several activities. My role was to define the look of specific areas where these activities occur - i.e. the betting room, taverns, the entrance and the well of Auguri. Some of these concepts are merely rough drafts, quickly set aside to address more urgent tasks, as it often happens in this work ;)
Directors: Roland Emmerich, Marco Kreuzpaintner
Production Designers: Johannes Mücke, Laura Pozzaglio



Tavern and Betting Room

Tavern and Betting Room

Betting Room

Betting Room

Well of Auguri (fortune tellers)

Well of Auguri (fortune tellers)